Student Health Advisory Committee

After COVID created a break in its functioning, the Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) was reformed under a new purpose: to create a bridge between the campus student body and Student Health Services (SHS) in order to provide formal student participation into the administration of SHS. 
This transparency is to keep students up to date with Student Health happenings that affect UCSB students. 

This includes operating changes, as well as projects and programs that generally cater to social, recreational, cultural, and health support services, with the intent of creating a supportive and enriched learning environment for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.

SHAC is the officially recognized UCSB student committee charged with having oversight and input into the provision of health services as well as fostering the overall health and wellbeing of UCSB students. From this responsibility, SHAC has established formal relationships with departments that include, but are not limited to:

SHAC Priorities


SHAC serves as a medium to provide transparency on Student Health happenings. The committee serves as a forum to announce various updates such as policy changes, cross departmental collaborations, building updates, and staffing changes ahead of time to make the campus aware.

Student Input

SHAC constantly solicits student feedback on the committee. SHAC was formed to create a bridge between SHS and the broader campus community. These committee meetings create an opportunity for students to represent their communities to bring student input from the campus to the attention of SHS staff, ultimately creating a bridge for the campus community directly to SHS. Students on the board are also strongly advised and encouraged to bring forward project ideas to help improve Student Health for the campus.


SHAC serves as a board to bring up student concerns directly to the heads of SHS. Campus and community sentiment is highly valued within meeting discussions. SHAC’s propose is to ensure that policies and changes at Student Health are made aware to students beforehand and can be justified by the department heads in a formal in-person setting. Student Health’s purpose is to serve students, and this board ensures that SHS continues to provide high quality service to the campus.


SHAC is part of the Executive Oversight Board that reviews the Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP) including pharmacy, medical, behavioral health, dental, and vision coverage. In this role, SHAC makes recommendations about how to balance requests for new benefits and maintain affordable health plan costs for students.

SHAC Charter

To learn more about SHAC, read the SHAC Charter.

Meeting Minutes

Fall Meeting

Get Involved

If you are interested in attending a meeting, please contact If you are interested in becoming a committee member, please contact your elected student government for more information. We encourage anyone interested in campus healthcare to apply. You must be a student in good academic standing, attend meetings regularly, and participate actively. SHAC appointments must serve for a minimum of one school year and may last for your entire time at UCSB unless changed by your sponsoring department, resigned, or graduated.

24-25 Student Voting Members

Carolyn Aronson

Carolyn Aronson

Department of Recreation

Daniel Samie.jpg

Daniel Samie

EOB Undergraduate Representative

George Tsouloufas.jpeg

George Tsouloufas

Graduate Student SFAC Representative

Jada Moore

Jada Moore

Committee Chairperson

Moira Gullem.jpg

Moira Gullem

Associated Students Representative (EVPLA Chief of Staff)

Tatiana Bonilla.jpg

Tatiana Bonilla

Goodspeed Intern (Student Affairs)

Ex Offico Advisors

Name Role

Dr. Vejas Skripkus

Executive Director of Student Health Services

Dr. Erin Moore

Student Health Medical Director

Dr. Edwin Feliciano

Behavioral Health Director

Dr. Jackie Kurta

Director of the Alcohol and Drug Program

Buster Buchanan

Health Equity Advocate of Student Health Services

Kristen Rogers

Director of Nursing

Randy Lina

Director of Pharmacy

Margaret Klawuun

Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs