Flu Vaccination Mandate
The UC Office of the President has mandated Influenza vaccinations (flu shots) for all faculty, staff, and students who will be working, living, or learning on a UC campus annually. The flu vaccine may be DECLINED by filling out the VACCINE DECLINATION STATEMENT located under the Clearances tab in your UCSB MyHealth Portal.

Flu Vaccine Appointments Available
(by appointment only)
UC SHIP $0 | GAP $25 | Waived $25
You can obtain a flu shot from a local pharmacy (list of local pharmacies)
How To Complete Your Influenza Attestation
(Agree or Decline to the Annual Influenza Vaccine)
- Log on to your MyHealth Portal
- Select Clearances
- Go to "Influenza Attestation" and click "Update" to fill out the form
Please direct all questions to Fluvaccination@sa.ucsb.edu