The Alcohol & Drug Program (ADP) team of licensed Behavioral Health therapists provides free and confidential counseling to all UCSB students who are self-referred, referred by others, or concerned about someone else. Services include assessment, counseling, education, and safety information related to alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, other drugs, gambling, device/screen management, and other addictive/compulsive behaviors, as well as connections and referrals to other professionals on campus and in the community.
Make an Appointment
- Log on to the Patient Portal Gateway
- Phone: (805) 893-5013
Appointments are available on-campus at Student Health.
For Recovery Support, please visit Gauchos For Recovery.
Email inquiries: adp@sa.ucsb.edu

Jacqueline Kurta, PsyD, LMFT (she, her, hers)
Director, Alcohol and Drug Program
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Angie Bryan, LMFT (she, her, hers)
Behavioral Health Therapist, Recovery Program Manager
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Sarah F. Porat, MA, MFT (she, her, hers)
Behavioral Health Therapist, Associate Director-Clinical Services
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Jennifer Taylor, LMFT
Behavioral Health Therapist
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist