The Campus Medical Care Assistance Fund (CMCAF) was established to provide financial assistance, in the form of a grant, to UC SHIP students and enrolled dependents who are experiencing significant out-of-pocket medical expenses due to an unforeseen medical emergency. Grants may be requested for $500 up to the student’s campus in-network individual out-of-pocket maximum ($6,600). If awarded, the student must consult a tax professional to determine if the grant award is taxable. Student Health was allocated a specific lump sum of money that we can use for this fund.
The student or dependent must be currently enrolled in UC SHIP and enrolled for at least one term before the date of the medical service; the medical service date must be during the 2023-2024 plan year.
- The student must be in good financial standing (no UC student account balance) at the University of California campus, even if the funds are for a dependent’s medical expenses.
- Only medically necessary services that have already been provided and are listed on the CMCAF FAQ are eligible for grant consideration. And for the out of pocket medical expenses that exceed $500 up to the in-network individual out of pocket maximum.
- The student must have exhausted all other means of payment with proof of applying for Charity Care with the medical provider of service.
Application Process
Students must complete, sign, and submit the CMCAF application with the below documentation:
- Copy of Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from Anthem
- Copy of the bill from the provider of service indicating the student’s/dependent’s outstanding balance.
- The written response to your request for Charity Care from the medical provider of service.
All applications must be securely e-mailed to CMCAF Review Committee for consideration: SHS CMCAF.
Medial Care Assistance Fund FAQ's
The following services are available for assistance, but services must be medically necessary:
- Hospitalization
- In-patient care (includes mental
- health/substance abuse)
- Hospice Care
- Diagnostic Testing
- Emergency Medical Transportation
- Childbirth/Delivery Professional Services
- Skilled Nursing
- Outpatient Surgery
- Out-patient care (includes mental
- health/substance abuse)
- Physician/Surgeon Services
- Imaging Services (MRI/CT/PET Scans)
- Durable Medical Equipment
- Childbirth/Delivery Facility Services
Anthem Blue Cross, UC SHIP’s Claims Administrator, will provide you with an Explanation of Benefits
(EOB), which shows the services rendered, billed charges, the allowed amount for payment, and your
responsibility, if any. Anthem will only make payment on medically necessary services.
Anthem will mail you an EOB, unless you have elected through their member portal to receive
communication electronically. You may also contact Anthem at (866) 940-8306 and request a copy of
your EOB.
Unfortunately, this benefit is only for those that have experienced a medical service. You should inquire
with your medical provider(s) as to what options they may offer.
The CMCAF Review Committee will review your application and supporting documents
to insure that you have provided the necessary information. They will check your University accounts to
ensure there is no outstanding balance.
A representative from the CMCAF Committee will notify you if your application is complete and will provide this information
to the Financial Aid Office for payment processing. If you have an outstanding balance or missing
information, the representative will make you aware that they cannot process your application until
your University account is paid in full.
Assistance from the Medical Care Assistance Fund will be included on your 1098-T form. Included in the
1098-T form are qualified charges that were paid and financial assistance received for the corresponding
tax year. Please consult with a tax professional for any tax related questions.