Inclusive, Confidential Services

Taking care of your sexual and reproductive health is important at every age and for all genders. We offer a supportive, nonjudgmental environment where you can get your questions answered and receive the sexual and reproductive health care you need to stay well. Keep reading to learn more about our services.


Clinical Services Include

Birth Control Library

Even if you already use a method or have a method in mind, it’s always good to know your options.
Explore these resources for high-quality information to find a method that fits with your body and your life
method explorer

Birth Control Library

How to Get Birth Control

Birth control is a basic need, but for some reason, getting access to it isn’t always easy. We got rid of the hassles to make it easy for students to get access to a full range of trusted birth control methods!

 how to get birth control
at Student Health 


Medication Abortion

The University of California believes all people should have access to affordable and convenient reproductive health care of their choosing. This includes providing a full range of evidence-based health care, including medication abortions. Medication abortion consultations are readily available (usually within 1-3 days) at Student Health Service.  Please login to the MyHealth Portal to make an appointment.

Learn more about
medication abortion

Cervical Cancer Screening (Pap tests) and colposcopy

No matter who you sleep with or what your gender identity is, it's important to take care of your cervical health.

More about Pap tests &
how to prevent
cervical cancer 

Medical chaperones for sensitive exams

SHS is committed to maintaining a culture of safety, respect, and patient autonomy. Sensitive exams are times when these values are especially important to uphold. Student Health provides medical chaperones to support comfort and foster effective communication.

More about
medical chaperones

HPV vaccines

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is very common and can cause back of throat, anal, cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers as well as genital warts. The HPV vaccine is the best way to protect yourself.

More on the Human
Papillomavirus Vaccine

Pregnancy testing

Testing for pregnancy is easily available by submitting a request through the Patient Portal.

Don’t have time to come in for a lab? Pregnancy tests are available for purchase at the Student Health Pharmacy, at student-friendly prices!

More on Pregnancy testing

Preconception counseling

Having a safe, healthy, and happy pregnancy begins well before you have a positive result on a test. Caring for your health before you become pregnant helps you prepare for a pregnancy.

More on Prepregnancy

Evaluation and treatment for Vaginal infections

The vagina has a specialized environment designed to maintain balance and cleanse itself naturally.  Less is more when it comes to keeping your vagina healthy.  It is important to recognize what is normal, and when evaluation may be needed.

FAQs about Vulvovaginal Health

STI testing and treatment

Getting yourself tested at least once per year is a normal, healthy part of being a sexually active person.

Testing for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV, and Syphilis is easily available by submitting a request through the Patient Portal, often only a lab visit is needed.
These tests are no cost w/UC-SHIP; low cost w/o SHIP (check out our price list)

more about STI testing

Emergency contraception

A condom breaks. You forget to take your pill. You had sex without any kind of birth control. No matter your situation, emergency contraception is an option. It can be used within 5 days after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy, but it’s best to use it as soon as possible.

Learn more about emergency
contraception and how
to get it from SHS

PrEP and PEP (including doxy PEP)

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medicine can stop HIV from replicating inside the body and can be prescribed to people at high risk for HIV. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is for people who have possibly been exposed to HIV and is given in emergencies.

More on HIV PrEP and PEP

More Information About DoxyPEP

Evaluation and treatment for Sexual dysfunction (i.e., pain with sex or erectile dysfunction)

Persistent, recurrent problems with sexual response, desire, orgasm or pain that distress you or strain your relationship with your partner? This is common and there are treatment options available. 

More on Sexual Dysfunction

Evaluation and treatment for Menstrual problems

Everyone’s body is different, so their periods are different too — what’s “normal” varies from person to person, and can change over your lifetime.

More on menstrual cycles

Keep track of your periods 

Evaluation and treatment for Genital concerns (penis or vulva)

Genital health is an important part of a person’s overall sexual well-being, and it’s common to have questions.

More on genital health

Chat with a Planned Parenthood Health Educator

Sexual Health Questions




How to Make an Appointment

You will need to login to the MyHealth Portal with your UCSB NetID and Password and follow the order of the buttons below until you reach the Sexual & Reproductive Health page where you can select from the services we offer.

IUD Hero Image 3

Birth Control

Birth control is a basic need, but for some reason, getting access to it isn’t always easy. We got rid of the hassles to make it easy for students to get access to a full range of trusted birth control methods!

Convenient Access to Birth Control

Birth Control Library


Emergency Contraception

A condom breaks. You forget to take your pill. You had sex without any kind of birth control. No matter your situation, emergency contraception is an option. It can be used within 5 days after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy, but it’s best to use it as soon as possible.

How to Get Emergency Contraception



Medication Abortion

The University of California believes all people should have access to affordable and convenient reproductive health care of their choosing. This includes providing a full range of evidence-based health care, including medication abortions. Medication abortion consultations are readily available (usually within 1-3 days) at Student Health Service.  

Learn More About Medication Abortion