Reach out to Academic Healthplans (AHP) to receive a Letter of Certification, or Loss of Coverage.
Academic Healthplans (AHP)
3500 William D. Tate Ave., Suite 200
Grapevine, TX 76051
Email: ucship@ahpservice.com
Phone: (855) 871-9549
Fax: (855) 858-1964
Insurance Coverage After Graduation or Departure From UCSB
Your UC SHIP insurance coverage will end on the last day of the quarter within which you graduate, with the exception of spring quarter. Spring UC SHIP coverage extends through summer.
Graduated students who had UC SHIP during their final quarter at UCSB, will have a (1) quarter grace period (during the quarter immediately following graduation) to receive follow up care only at Student Health Service. All services will be charged at non-student rates and must be paid up front with a credit card.
Graduated students who were waived during their final quarter at UCSB, will have a (1) quarter grace period (during the quarter immediately following graduation) to receive a maximum of (2) behavioral health follow up appointments only at Student Health Service, at the discretion of the behavioral health director. All services will be charged at non-student rates and must be paid up front with a credit card.
A loss of UC SHIP insurance coverage due to leaving the university for any reason may be considered a qualifying life event, allowing you to enroll in Covered California outside of the annual open enrollment period. To check your eligibility, please call them directly at (800) 300-1506 or visit the Covered California website to apply. If you qualify for coverage and enroll by the 15th day of the month, your coverage will begin on the first day of the next month; if you enroll after the 15th day of the month, your coverage will start on the first day of the second month.
Also, check the UCSB Alumni Association website for benefits such as potential discounts on health insurance www.ucsbalum.com/about/benefits.