Under the federal reporting requirement, health care plans and insurance companies must report member information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that can be linked to a health plan that is certified minimum essential coverage. Member information includes the name, address and Social Security number — including covered students and dependents.
UC SHIP’s enrollment administrator, Academic HealthPlans (AHP), may contact you via email to get important information that is not on file with the registrar’s office. You can also email AHP to provide the requested information.
For proof of coverage, all UC SHIP members can electronically access their IRS Form 1095-B — the form that proves you have the minimum essential coverage required by the ACA. To access your 1095-B, follow the instructions in the 1095 User Guide [PDF].
You do not have to wait for your 1095-B Form to file your tax return.
Register to receive electronically - Deadline: December 31st
To sign up visit: myahpcare.com/register
If you move, notify the UCSB Registrar’s Office of your current address to ensure you receive the form and other important healthcare insurance information.
Questions regarding Proof of Your Health Insurance? Contact AHP ucship@ahpservice.com.